Balmonds Skin Salvation

You can use our award-winning beeswax-based ointment on any part of your body and face as thickly and often as needed. Its gentle, 100% natural formulation makes it especially suitable for those with dry or sensitive skin.

The balm is also suitable for those who may be prone to eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and other inflammed or itchy skin conditions.

What is it used for?

  • as a gentle all-purpose moisturiser
  • as a lip balm
  • to soften rough or flaky skin
  • as a balm for around the eyes
  • as a barrier to irritants such as pollen
  • as a nappy balm
  • to smooth cracked heels


Balmonds Skin Salvation

You can use our award-winning beeswax-based ointment on any part of your body and face as thickly and often as needed. Its gentle, 100% natural formulation makes it especially suitable for those with dry or sensitive skin.

The balm is also suitable for those who may be prone to eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and other inflammed or itchy skin conditions.

$12.50 Sale Save
Size 30ml

Our award-winning, all-natural moisturising balm was originally created as an intensive emollient for highly sensitive skin. Its gentle formulation reduces the risk of irritation, and nourishes depleted skin with essential nutrients. Clinically proven to be suitable for sensitive skin.

Directions for use

Make sure to wash your hands before use or use a spoon to scoop out the salve. Warm up a small amount in clean fingers before applying – this makes it much easier to smooth onto your skin, especially when the salve is cold and firmer or the skin is broken.

When applying emollients, it’s important to try not to rub your skin to avoid further irritation. Instead, gently apply in the same direction of your hair follicles. If using on infected skin, take care not to spread the salve from an infected area to other areas – it’s always best to scoop out the salve with a spoon or clean hands.

Apply the salve liberally as often as required. Once applied, do not expose your skin to strong sunlight, as the salve is oil-based and can thus cause sunburn much faster, even when wearing SPF.

For those extra dry patches, Skin Salvation works brilliantly as an overnight treatment for intense hydration: apply a thick layer before bed and wear some old pyjamas, as the salve can stain over time.

Skin Salvation can be used as a moisturiser alongside prescribed emollients and medicated treatments: just leave half an hour between applying different creams Wearing fine cotton socks or gloves overnight helps to boost the moisturising effect all the way through to morning.

"I've been using this product for just over a week now and the results are fantastic.”

~ Rosalind

Patch test first

As with any new skincare product, we always advise you patch test a tiny amount of the oil behind the ear or in the crook of your elbow for at least 24 hours before widespread use. Visit our Patch Test page for a detailed guide.

Please visit our Patch Test page for more information.
For a lighter emollient that you can used multiple times throughout the day, try our more easily-absorbed Daily Moisturising Cream.

Please visit our Patch Test page for more information.

Learn more

Please visit our Daily Moisturising Cream page for more information.

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