Why Does My Body Itch After Bathing?

If you’re plagued by itchy skin after getting out of the bath or shower, it could be due to a variety of things. Have a look at our list and see if there’s anything you can change!


Soap, even totally natural varieties, can dry out sensitive or eczema-prone skin by stripping the oils from the top layer of skin. Use a natural soap-free body wash instead.


Products like foaming body wash, shampoo and bubble baths containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulphate) also damage the top layer of skin, binding to the natural oils and stripping them away, leaving it dry and causing damage to the skin barrier function.

If you want to add nice oils to your bath, try Balmonds all-natural Bath & Body Oil instead.


Whether synthetic or natural, perfume and fragrance in your toiletries are common allergens and are often the culprits behind itchiness and dryness. Check out ingredients lists for other skin irritants as well!


Having your bath or shower too hot can also lead to itchiness, as heat dries out the skin and triggers inflammation, which in turn leads to itchiness. Make it luke-warm instead.


Water itself can be both dehydrating and, in rare cases, even allergenic! While those who are actually have a water sensitivity (aquagenic urticaria, for example) are in the minority, it is extremely common for people to lose moisture from their skin after bathing.

Apply moisturiser immediately after getting out to counteract the dehydrating effects. There’s also a link between hard water areas and prevalence of eczema, so consider a water softener.


Sensitive or delicate skin can get irritated by drying yourself roughly or over-zealously! Try using a very soft towel and just pat yourself dry instead; leaving skin a little damp and moisturising straight away should help.

Recommended skincare products for bathing

Balmonds Natural Shampoo & Body Wash
with calendula & chamomile

Bath & Body Oil
with lavender, hemp and olive

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